Bill Hicks

It makes me feel old and sad that the name [tag]Bill Hicks[/tag] draws blank stares from so many young’ens.

I’m busy, so here’s the Bill Hicks website.

Go. Learn something. Improve yourselves.

Advanced assignment: In Fade to Black’s extensive interview with [tag]Kevin Booth[/tag], Booth recounts the hilarious and infamous contact lens incident:

I know Bill did introduce them [Tool], I know, at several gigs, especially I think, Lollapalooza ’92 in Los Angeles, where he told the whole crowd to stand still because he had lost his contact lens. Pretty funny joke. A 60,0000 person mosh pit, “Hey can everybody stop moving? I lost my contact lens,” everybody starts looking down at the ground, it’s pretty funny, I’d like to get a tape of that someday.

I don’t know what’s become of Moore’s Sacred Cow Productions website. I’ll have to dig further into that. I keep getting an error message, but am too lazy to hunt further afield today.

Honors credit: Go play on youtube for more clips.