Stop the madness!

I may be married to someone who feeds like a tick on the Sunday morning political gabfests, but I, personally, am already totally over the ’08 Presidential campaign. Yup, I’m in trouble.

We need an extra gigantic “no trespassing and no soliciting sign” now (a pair of rowdy Rottie’s not being deterent enough).

Poor Husband is treated, daily, sometimes hourly, to my tirades about how most of these people (I’m looking at you Clinton and Obama) have jobs to do and they need to cut the crap and get back to the work of governing, which the voters asked them to do and which my taxes pay them to do. We aren’t paying you to sit on your thumbs and play around with youtube all day, damnit. Do your fucking jobs and do something about the current administration. Now.

But I digress…

And when the bright-eyed and bushy tailed young campaign workers aren’t banging on the door, the phone is ringing. And polls and political campaigns are apparently exempt from the Do Not Call list, as they are under the dominion of Satan instead of the FTC. (Let’s not parse those differences right now, I’m on my first cup of coffee). In fact, we’ve had 2 calls already today. Hooray for caller-ID, but it’s still annoying to have to turn the housephone ringers off from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. every day to get any work done.

They don’t even have meaningful questions yet. It’s too damned early for this!

“Will you be old enough to vote in ’08?”
“How would you rate the President’s success in the War on Terror?”
“Candidate X needs your help to win against the forces of tyranny and Hillary. Would you like to give money to Candidate X?”
“If the election were held today…”
“Freedom. Love it or hate it?”
“Which debate format spoke to your needs as a voter?”
“Would you rather vote for Mitt Romney or have hot coals placed in your eye sockets?”

Tell me again why I live so close to the Capitol I can see the dome lit up at night? It’s obviously not healthy.

One thought on “Stop the madness!

  1. Jenn F.

    Gawd do I hear ya. They’ve got our number, too, also despite being on the do not call list. I hate it. And lawds am I sick of the election, and the primaries haven’t even happened yet. Crikey.

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