Tivo Giveth and Tivo Taketh Away

Overlord, our [tag]Tivo[/tag], hoovered up a [tag]Eureka[/tag] marathon and I’d just started watching it when our TV decided to begin randomly making a high-pitched sound that suggests it’s going to explode. I foolishly left the episodes in the “Tivo recommends” folder when I went to save the episodes for future viewing I discovered they’d already been erased. Now I’ll just have to Netflix the DVDs because it seemed like an amusing show. Life is so difficult.

We hate our big ugly zillion year old console TV, but damn, how are we going to get that beast out of the living room? Being practical, problem-solving types, we’re considering using it as a stand for the new TV.

[update] This was a draft post from a few days ago. Yesterday we bought a new TV. And Husband used the old one as a stand.

(I posted this Saturday, but for some reason it was date-stamped Wednesday. Maybe my blog is time-hopping in honor of Dr. Who?)