They're heeere

If you’ve been down around the DC convention center and think the throngs are starting to look a bit suspicious, that’s because it’s time for the [tag]American Library Association[/tag] Annual Conference.

Can’t attend? Plenty of attendees are blogging it.

I heard someone complaining about the lack of good speakers on the program this year and sincerely hope they were kidding. The most recent schedule lists, among others: Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Bill Bradley, Garrison Keillor, Ken Burns, Patricia Cornwell, David Baldacci, Judy Blume, Nancy Pearl, Anthony Romero, Marian Wright Edelman, Irshad Manji, Julie Andrews, and Armistead Maupin.

Not to mention the third annual bookcart drill team world championships! Don’t want to miss that. Unless it conflicts with happy hour…