King Kong

We finally slogged through [tag]Peter Jackson[/tag]’s [tag]King Kong[/tag]. We love Peter Jackson. We think Meet the Feebles was a great work of art.* (Those Lord of the Rings movies weren’t half bad either). I don’t know why we didn’t get around to seeing this one in the theater, because we’d certainly planned to. Now, thanks to the Netflix Fairy, we’re cool again. King Kong, I have to tell you, lived up to the hype.

It was every bit as long and tedious as we’d been promised.

Not to ruin it for you, but here’s a synopsis:

For an hour and bunch of stuff happened, some of it on a boat. Occasionally, someone Acted. Then the plucky adventurers arrived in Mordor and there was a protracted scene with some leftover Orcs. Then it got hard to hear what was going on because the people who live here started shouting “Show me the monkey!” Then there was a lot of running and screaming. And occasionally, more Acting. At the one hour and thirty-nine minute mark, the DVD froze up. We didn’t notice at first. Even the DVD player was apparently bored. Husband was determined to see it through to the end, and eventually coaxed it back to life. Then some other stuff happened. Then it either ended or I lapsed into unconsciousness. Maybe both.

The giant insects were pretty good.

On the upside, I caught up on some magazine reading.

*OK. The reality is we want you to watch Meet the Feebles and feel as dirty as we did, thereby spreading the pain around and making ourselves feel slightly better in the process.