
I heard about a new contemporary art space in Sarasota that sounded cool. There’s a little (very little) info about a party there Friday night on their website, s/art/q but we’re booked for Friday night so we decided to just drive over there yesterday.

We found a generic warehouse/office park type building but there weren’t any signs. We drove around to the side of the building and spotted an open door.

Part of me doesn’t want to see the rest of the space now, because we think this was perfect just the way it is:

s/art/q, originally uploaded by meanlouise.

Seriously though, I do want to check this out next time I’m here. Here’s some info off their website:

Established in 2008, the S ART Q organization represents the highly engaged and connected community of professional visual arts and emerging enthusiasts. This includes the broad and diverse spectrum of visual artists, art professionals, arts educators, visual arts organizations and agencies, and all those who produce, present, serve and enjoy the visual arts in Sarasota.

Our mission is to provide visual and cultural leadership for Sarasota County by developing, strengthening and promoting the excellence, scope of educational role of the visual arts, while initiating and fostering partnerships, collaborations, and liaisons with all art groups, local business, and citizens of Sarasota County. In addition the SARTQ organization holds a strong belief to educate the community of Sarasota as to the value of public support for the arts.

4 thoughts on “s/art/q

  1. Joseph Arnegger

    Thank you for your interest! I’m glad that you came and took the initiative to find the spot…what you actually found was the nerve center/secret library of S[aRt]Q…aka my bathroom.

    Our current location is 1421 Blvd. of the Arts @ The HuB (it was listed incorrectly on the website). Stay tuned for more info on upcoming events. We hope to see you there.

  2. rebecca

    Hi Joseph – email to follow. We actually did stop by the screenprinting event and were totally impressed. I’ll definitely be back next time I’m in town.


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