6 thoughts on “In tomorrow's column, George F. Will yells at kids to get off his lawn

  1. Michele

    Know what Izzy said when she saw a picture of George Will? “Nice combover.” That’s my girl : )

  2. Christa Ray

    Random thoughts, as usual:

    Why do women of orthodox religions (in the Mid-Atlantic, anyway), who must wear long skirts insist on wearing denim? It’s hot & humid here in the summer!!! Why not wear linen?!

    Secondly, George Will is an idiot and has no business subjecting us to him feeble understanding of science. (Rant unrelated to his lawn. . .).

    I learned who Barbara Gordon is from my 3 1/2-year-old son. Also, Barbara was more to Batman than just his “sidekick” – SuperNerd might be intimidated.

    Husband, friend, mice are not pan-dimensional. They are mostly evil, eat through plant roots, and increase ammonium levels in root balls. Sloths are different – they might be pan-dimensional as they have a slower metabolism than (most) humans, yet live shorter lives.

  3. Christa Ray

    Me again,

    Did not read the Will article before.
    Coincidentally, denim bikini thongs came up in conversation at work today. What are the odds?

  4. rebecca

    I walked by a garden center yesterday and they were blasting David Bowie and I thought of you, Chris. You can imagine how surprised I was to see you appear in the comments. That’s a wee bit spooky. :-)

    Long denim dresses in August have always been a great mystery to me.

  5. Linkmeister

    In your climate in August, bikinis and Speedos are the only thing remotely comfortable. With cans of Off in purses or fanny packs to chase away the gnats.

    Why, yes, I did have to mow the lawn during my six years there.

  6. rebecca

    You left before the invasion of tiger mosquitos. They’re like regular mosquitos, only better, because they bite all day long. And they leave huge welts. And they hurt like crazy. It’s great!

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