I'm totally innocent (about this)

(cross-posted from Antomatic, because the ants miss their friend)

As reported in the Washington Post Reliable Source column, a ransom note has been delivered asking for 10 grand in Monopoly money or [tag]Tim Tate[/tag]’s missing sculpture, The Rapture, sleeps with the fishes:

The package, shipped by overnight mail and addressed to us, bore the cryptic name “The Collector,” with a nonexistent return address at “2300 Constitution Avenue NW.” We gingerly opened it under a ventilation hood, anticipating . . . well, something awful.

[read the whole piece and follow the links to see pics of the hilarious ransom note]

[tag]Artomatic[/tag] wants to see this sculpture returned so very much, we’re willing to match one dollar in Monopoly money for every dollar you, the art-lover, donate to us in cold-hard US cash over the weekend.

Empty your pockets, the Rapture is counting on you!

(ed note: I had nothing to do with any of this)

(ed note: the ants aren’t talking, but I’m pretty sure they’re innocent, too)

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