Home Depot goes Steampunk

This is from December and accidentally got hung up in the drafts folder.

I regretted not taking pictures of a rather gloriously bizarre kitchen at Home Depot Expo. While looking for something completely different (the teacup Tumnus served Lucy tea in from the Lion, Witch and the Wardrobe, if you must know) I found that The Steampunk Home has documented the whole thing. I like the way the copper sink looks, but as the owner of an old-fashioned porcelain enamel cast-iron sink I really don’t want another high-maintenance sink ever again. All-copper sinks are allegedly easy to care for, but most look awful to me unless they’re freshly polished. There’s nothing wrong with our sink so I’m not in a rush to throw money away on a new one anyway, so I’m not sure what the point of this digression was…

I never did find the teacups I was looking for, I got distracted by these cool recycled tea sets by Christine Misiak.