oprah loves me this I know, for her magazine tells me so

I have very little patience for new agey self-help books but several people who’ve called me after a long silence have cited one in particular for helping them figure out what to say when they do call.

I find “hi. what’s new?” useful, but realize it’s more complicated for my friends who don’t quite know how to deal with me and my illness. Hint: deal with me, not the illness, it’s way more fun that way. That’s apparently also pretty much the upshot of The Etiquette of Illness : What to Say When You Can’t Find the Words.

To keep me entertained, a neighbor brought me the last few issues of O and there was an article by the author of Etiquette of Illness, Susan Halpern. Must be a sign of some kind.

Oprah, incidentally, has shown me how to be Excellent Every Day.

In a further coincidence, Halpern is reading and signing her book at Olsson’s on May 6th.

To conclude this random post with further randomness, have I ever mentioned that only 3 people in the history of my workplace have ever held my position? I mention this because 2 of these people are me and the ever-fabulous Linkmeister’s mom.

The whole world is connected in strange and random ways.

Oprah tells me so.