racism sold seperately

I was in line for paint at Home Depot and there was a couple holding up the whole line. The woman, who personified every stereotype ever written about Jewish American Princesses, was furious that the clerk couldn’t tell her whether the Ralph Lauren brand paint was kosher. It was so ugly and so racist, with her hissing angrily that “everyone in the damned store was a terrorist or a goyim” and they were all anti-semitic.

And they say irony is dead.

The whole thing was absurd. It was impressive how calmly the Arab clerk took her racially and politically charged abuse. All I could do was express my opinion that her treatment of the staff was unacceptable. Her husband looked mortified, but did nothing.

Could there be such a thing as kosher paint? At the time it sounded at minimum implausible, but I was so horrified by this woman’s bullying of the Arab clerks that I didn’t really think through the fact that someone probably played a practical joke on her.

I hope today someone convinced her to go somewhere and pick out a nice striped paint instead.

2 thoughts on “racism sold seperately

  1. AUA

    I was out at a mattress store a few weeks ago, and an arab woman came into the store who had some greivance regarding a bed she had bought a month ago. She quickly escalated into screaming at the clerk, calling him “Israeli Trash.”

    Ugh. Not awesome.

  2. rebecca

    Today an artist was telling me about having to step between a buddhist monk and an evengelical woman at the mall who was shouting that he was allowing satan to enter back into our world. Is there some wacky confluence of eclipses and holidays and fungus in the air spurring extra amounts of religious crazy? Sadly, I don’t think religious bigotry knows seasonal boundaries. *sigh*

    At least kosher paint as a concept has spurred hours of hilarity at artomatic…

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