easy come, easy go…

I got eight dollars in change in one [tag]dollar coins[/tag]. They were fun to look at for a while, but ultimately I found the similarity in size to the quarter annoying and made a point of spending them yesterday.

An unknown number of new George Washington dollar coins were mistakenly struck without their edge inscriptions, including “In God We Trust,” and are fetching around $50 apiece online.

I should have known the Mint wouldn’t have changed the currency without a big announcement.


One thought on “easy come, easy go…

  1. Ian Breheny

    Modest proposal:
    1. Get rid of pennies and one-dollar bills.
    2. Make nickels the size of pennies, quarters the size of nickels, and make vending machines take one-dollar coins, like they’re already supposed to. The Mint keeps trying to persuade people, or in the current go-round, trick them, into using the dollar coins. They just have to force the issue.

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