You should never be able to use the phrase "beefy forearms" when describing squirrels

This squirrel has actual rolls of fat. I’d swear he paused to rest before hauling his ponderous bulk up a tree the other day. I’m also certain he’s the one who rips my sunflowers down and then leaves them, half-eaten, on our front porch to taunt me.

squirrels should never be this large


4 thoughts on “You should never be able to use the phrase "beefy forearms" when describing squirrels

  1. JunglePete

    That’s a sub-species of the Eastern Grey Squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis)that we wildlife biologists call the “Rockem Sockem Squirrel”. Sprinkle your sunflowers with chipotle and that should solve your problem.

    Why is there green grass in the picture? I thought it was snowing already up north?

  2. rebecca

    These little beasties take the (exceedingly hot) habenaro peppers right off the plants and eat them. Not just one bit, they actually eat more than half a pepper. They welcome chili pepper powder as seasoning.

  3. Michele Banks

    Now, I just disagree. I would rather see a squirrel of robust physique at this time of year (yanno, preparing for leaner times ahead) than a scrawny little guy. He’s a great looking skwerl.

  4. rebecca

    I’m going to pack him up and ship him to you, because that monster sat outside our window today and barked and shrieked all day long. It got old very fast.

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