Delia Derbyshire, Doctor Who & Dexter

I got this excellent link from Alec:

A hidden hoard of recordings made by the electronic music pioneer behind the Doctor Who theme has been revealed – including a dance track 20 years ahead of its time.

Delia Derbyshire was working in the BBC’s Radiophonic Workshop in 1963 when she was given the score for a theme tune to a new science fiction series.

She turned those dots on a page into the swirling, shimmering Doctor Who title music – although it is the score’s author, Ron Grainer, who is credited as the composer.

Now David Butler, of Manchester University’s School of Arts, Histories and Cultures has revealed for the first time the existence of 267 tapes found in Ms Derbyshire’s attic when she died in 2001.

[read the whole article and listen to soundclips]

And now, a slight Dr. Who digression, with spoilers for the episode aired last night on SciFi and also sort of, but not exactly, for season 1 of Dexter.
Spoilers ahead, just warning you one more time.

Last night when Rose whispered the message to Donna to give to the Doctor, I shouted at poor Husband, “If the message is Bad Wolf I’m never watching this show again.” I continue to harbor a low-level resentment for how lame the Bad Wolf storyline ended up being. You can imagine how annoyed I was when the message, indeed, turned out to be “Bad Wolf.”

Eh. I’ll get over it.

But then we watched the 2nd disc of the 1st season of Dexter (all 4 episodes in a row) and Dexter and the psychiatrist character started talking about the “big bad wolf” minutes after I’d expressed my annoyance that the introduction of the character who turned out to be the Ice Truck Killer was so heavy-handed and announced that if anyone on this show said “bad wolf,” I wasn’t watching anymore.

Coincidence, I know, but please don’t ruin my snit with logic.