
You think they’re cute until you wake up and find they’ve chewed off your toe.

According to a study published in Applied Animal Behaviour Science and recently reported on in the London Telegraph, dachshunds are the most aggressive breed of dog. They were followed by chihuahuas and jack russell terriers.

I remember having a conversation with a hand surgeon about how much more damage the bite of a small dog can do, because they are more likely to bite a person’s hand and their small sharp teeth can do a lot of tendon and ligament damage. I can’t find any references right now, but I’ve got to admit I’m not trying very hard either.

2 thoughts on “ick

  1. gilahi

    Huh. I’ve never known a vicious dachshund. I used to own a long-haired black dachshund. My take on the breed has always been that, much like cocker spaniels, they’re very sweet but they’re as dumb as posts.

  2. JunglePete

    My friend has a dachshund and a month ago I said to the dog “I’m gunna squeeze you!” and i bent down and squeezed him. That little bastard is more flexible than a crocodile and has a harder bite. Man that hurt. I have not squeezed him since.

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