You learn something new every day.

Two species of snakes have been found to demonstrate a possible defense mechanism known as “cloacal popping.” In order for us to learn this, that means that there are people out there who study snake farts for a living.

“Cloacal Popping in Snakes” in the Journal of Herpetology: Vol. 33, No. 4, pp. 557–566.

I really, really wish I was teaching this year because this would be a truly memorable thing to work into a bio-acoustics lecture.

3 thoughts on “You learn something new every day.

  1. rebecca


    Not a lot of things leave me speechless, not even snake farts. But that…that…I just…what?…holy….wow….I’m just going to put my head down and sit quietly for a little while.

    Wow. If that product didn’t cause my skin to crawl in ways I didn’t think possible, i’d use it to solve a minor plot problem but…I just can’t even…wow.

    Now that was a comment of quality. :-) Thanks Matt!

  2. Matt Hulan

    I live to serve.

    If you want to enter a whole new world of horrible, look at the pictures in the testimonials.

    To enhance the experience, read the testimonials while you do this.

    Originally, I didn’t do this. I shuddered and quietly closed my browser window. But my friend Charlie, bless his heart, who I also shared this with, sent me a picture too horrible even to believe and I was like “no way…” and went to examine the testimonials in my disbelief.

    I should have believed, Lord. I should have believed.


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