Category Archives: true life 2003

now back to the important stuff

The hell with all this social justice, political, theoretical, ethical crap, let’s get back to the most serious and important question facing us today, “What’s the best lipliner for my new lipstick?”

Saturday, the Bunny helped me choose a new lipstick. Setting aside questions of whether the plum liner, in combination with the double shot lipstick indeed makes my “look” “more hip-hop,” I would have to say that they are indeed a good combination. The loungebunny is my makeup goddess.

Now that you are enjoying the deep sense of fulfillment that comes from knowing that I have a suitable lipliner/lipstick combination, I send you back out into the world.

Bunny Day!

The Bunny took me to the mall.*

Our mission: Fall lipstick.

The trip was, despite the hordes of dazed back-to-school shoppers, a great success. It’s still a slight mystery to me why the make-up guru (at MAC, of course) thought my look should be more Hip-Hop, but whatever. I love the new color. (DoubleShot, from the amplified collection, if you must know).

We found many shiney and exciting objects during our travels. I resisted the talking Gollum figure, but gave in to the hotpink wig. We managed to avoid dates for Homecoming (narrowly), inadvertantly discovered that the guy at the cigar shop spends way, way too much time contemplating how much Victoria’s Secret spends on advertising, and had a fine time at the Halloween Store.

Now, if you’ll pardon me, I really must go balance my checkbook.

*Why yes, it was A Very Bad Idea to go to the mall on Saturday night the weekend before school started


Two friends and colleagues have gone home to die, one slightly younger the other slightly older. Women our age are not supposed to die of breast cancer. They aren’t supposed to die at all.

Two other friends and colleagues retiring.

Everyone is irreplaceable to someone.

It was quite somber there at work today. At times it felt like they’d stopped putting oxygen into our airsupply.

if i wasn't so lazy…

Due to various school and work and personal obligations, I use different mail clients for different email addresses. They are all equally annoying in the way they offer chipper user-suggestions when you log in. Things like:

Always use a subject line!


Click here to learn how to attach files!


One subject per message!

There’s nothing wrong with these tips, per se. I just get tired of them being in my face day after day.

I think, if I wasn’t so damned lazy, I’d write a little hack to replace the Tip of the Day with something more interesting.

Wrap yourself in bacon and bang on a snaredrum!

or perhaps,

Click here to learn the benefits of the all-cheese diet!

But I won’t.