Category Archives: television

Some people juggle geese.

Cult week won’t be complete without a mention of [tag]Operation Clambake[/tag], the website devoted to exposing [tag]Scientology[/tag] as a creepy cult. (On the slim chance [tag]Tom Cruise[/tag] hasn’t already done that for you).

Now that we’ve gotten that out of the way we can move on to cults that are much more fun.

For instance, Husband and I are taking advantage of the long weekend to have a [tag]Nathan Fillion[/tag] [tag]Firefly[/tag] marathon. We have no costumes or rituals, thanks, although I am making Husband a Jayne Cobb hat. I’m not making a lot (any) progress since I have trouble knitting and ogling Captain Tightpants at the same time. (Don’t tell Husband I said that).


Are you excited about Cloverfield? The official Cloverfield site is, but that doesn’t tell you anything. There are so many clues and juicy rumors about the movie sprinkled all over the place that trying to keep track of them is starting to feel like having a part-time job stalking [tag]J.J. Abrams[/tag].

Luckily, you can follow all of the [tag]Cloverfield[/tag] hype from this handy [tag]Mahalo[/tag] Cloverfield page.

Personally, I enjoy going to the [tag]Bad Robot[/tag] website and yelling “Bad robot!” I can’t explain why I find it so endlessly entertaining, I just do. (If you’ve ever watched an episode of Alias or Lost all the way to the end you know what I’m talking about).

I admit I was late to the J.J. Abrams party. I didn’t get hooked until [tag]Alias[/tag]. If J.J. Abrams painted a wall I’d sit and watch it dry, at least once. That’s not why I’m excited about Cloverfield, though. I’m excited about Cloverfield because it looks big and loud and stupid, and that sounds good to me right about now.

The Omega Man

It was a ridiculously difficult task (Netflix had to send us 3 discs before we got one that was playable), but we finally got to watch [tag]The Omega Man[/tag] last month as a refresher before I am Legend opened. A month later, we still haven’t made it to I am Legend, but we’re still trying.

The Omega Man is worth a viewing, if only for the high comedy of [tag]Charleton Heston[/tag]’s frequent shirtless scenes and Acting that leaves no scene unchewed.

Each time we try to go see I Am Legend something thwarts us. (We discovered that our tire was about to split open from dryrot right before we were to set our for Orlando to see it in Imax. I guess the bigger the screen, the bigger the obstacle).

Appropriately, when I was listening to the audiobook of I Am Legend on a flight, I only had 12 minutes left when the pilot announced we had to turn off our electronic devices. When I turned my ipod back on later to finish the book it got to the last 2 minutes and then the battery died.

Nerd trivia: [tag]Ron Grainer[/tag], the mad genius who composed the bizarrely upbeat score for Omega Man also composed the themes for [tag]Dr. Who[/tag] and [tag]The Prisoner[/tag].