Category Archives: movies

zero budget films

zero budget films

A really useful site for that nobudget auteur scraping around in the deepest recesses of your soul trying to get free.

Think you’re the next Hal Hartley? Prove it. And if you do prove it, don’t call me. I think Hartley is boring and unimaginative and you only think you have to like him because the Sundance channel masturbates all over him constantly.

Don’t despair – I have faith in you. I know that you can do better than Hartley. When you do, then you can call me.

Life During Wartime

I continue to be convinced that we’re going to wake up one morning and find ourselves at war with Iraq. I told Husband this on election day, he told me I’m paranoid. I lack the faith in our current Congress necessary to think this is preventable, I feel a sense of doom.

In much more important news, my Lord of the Rings obsessed co-workers are atwitter that Ian McKellan will be in Philadelphia tomorrow for PrideFest, so it’s time to go to lunch and listen to the endless debates about how to justify a roadtrip as a professional development project.