Category Archives: updates (site)

in case you're wondering…

I’ve finally got all of my old archives on one hard-drive and I’m digging through the debris and getting the archives all rebuilt here. This takes patience and small stretchs of time wherein my hands don’t ache like they’ve been hit with a hammer.

I’m not reposting the random site updates, although I’m sure some stalker out there would find the long-ass discussion in 2002 over pink verus green background images utterly fascinting, it seems like a waste of time and space to repost that stuff now.

I’m also trying to note where links are dead and do housekeeping things like that, which makes it all slower going still. Hey, March 2003 is up and complete, so have a party.

On a minor tangent, the number of squirrel-oriented posts in the archives are sort of scary. Squirrels, television and Jesus, a girl’s best friends, apparently.

Eventually, maybe I’ll even put that directoty of reader favorites back up.

But not today, now it’s time to wrap my hands in the nice little heatpack thingees and take a nap.


I’m not sad to have missed the crushing crowds and (reportedly foul) odors of ComicCon. That said, I’m almost sorry have missed Roman Dirge’s friend The Jackalope. Some people, it seems, were more excited about it than others:

The Taxidermy was a big hit. He had hundreds of photos taken with him and actually saw some action when a girl thought it would be funny to make out with him. What was funny was that the skull part protruding out the bottom is actually a real goat skull my friend found rotting in the desert. She’s going to get some amazing new kind of mouth disease.

Like I said, almost sorry I missed it.

Pets Rest

Years ago I was doing research and wanted to know what the procedures and rules in California were for exhumation and relocation of pet burials. Pets Rest answered many of my questions. I didn’t choose them for any particular reason, beyond the fact that they returned my call promptly. Sadly, it appears that they’re bigger experts on the subject then they let on as they buried approximately 1,000 dearly departed pets on leased land. That sounds like a bad situation, to say the least.