Tag Archives: inauguration

"…an epic of septic…"

Two toilet-related posts in a week. Oh dear. Today I’ve been downtown admiring the majesty of the sweeping rows of portable toilets. There’s an article in the paper about this mass porta-potty migration to the nation’s capital. It contained the phrase “an epic of septic,” which made me laugh, so I decided to share it with you. I’m really really tired so I’m pretty easily amused, sorry.

Inauguration Vacation

I don’t know how I feel about the closure of all of the bridges into DC, although others have some very strong opinions. Even if they were open, I certainly wouldn’t try to drive into town – where do you go once you get over the bridge? I just wish Metro was better run and more reliable because that would certainly make things easier. I’m watching these plans for express bus routes, but am dubious that they’ll run enough buses to keep it from becoming a chaotic nightmare. The only thing better than riding the bus in a ballgown is riding a crowded bus in a ballgown.

There are lots of parties to attend and damnit, I’ve procured some of the cutest dresses evah. Wait til Dr. Birdcage sees the navy blue number I’ve procured for her – it has sparkly glitter all over it. Dr. Birdcage doesn’t know I’ve procured a dress for her, but that’s not the point.

I think this is a plot by the Secret Service to force us to sit at home eating microwave popcorn and drinking girlie cocktails. Actually, that doesn’t sound like a bad idea….

Announcing the Art of Change – January 20, 2009

This just landed in my inbox:

Artomatic and Playa del Fuego are excited to announce

The Art of Change :
An Inaugural Celebration
of DC’s Creative Communities

Downtown DC, January 20, 2009, 8 pm until … ?

Save the date (because there’s nowhere you’ld rather be on a
Tuesday night!), and look for full details this Friday, January 2nd!

The website is at artists-ball.org and will have all the details as they emerge.

Inaugural Balls

Last night Husband and I were filtering through emails from friends about which Inaugural Balls they’re attending. $10,000 for commoners tickets to the Creative Coalition Ball? We’ll pass. Bring us a matchbook.

We liked both of the options at Dionne Warwick’s American Music fete, the Urban Ball or the Legends Ball. I don’t have any idea why anyone thought we’d be going to the Pennsylvania State Ball.

We’re sad there’s not an urban legends Ball, because that sounds like the most fun of all. This was followed by some nerdy political jokes I’ve already forgotten, as well as the decision that we’d had enough bourbon and hot apple cider. It was terribly amusing at the time, though.