Dr. Birdcage saw it too…

Dr. Birdcage was here to put in her volunteer shifts at Artomatic this weekend (yes, Board members still have to volunteer). We had a slumber party. This morning when we walked out the door to have some pho for breakfast before she hit the road, a woman walked past us with a refrigerator on her head. This is not exactly a normal site around here. The occasional basket of laundry, sure. But home appliances? Not so much.

I was glad I remembered to snap some pictures, because we were so sleep-deprived we figured no one would believe us.



I realize the camera-phone gives them a Yeti-sighting like quality, but what can you do? I haven’t been able to find my camera for days. (It’s been in my purse. I’ve officially become my mother).

2 thoughts on “Dr. Birdcage saw it too…

  1. Dr. Birdcage

    Yes, yes, it looks JUST LIKE the yeti pictures! That’s awesome. I’ll have to show husband (mine, not yours. I guess I could show yours, but since he’s never spoken to me of the yeti and mine has, I think it might be less fun), who, whenever he gets caught in traffic on 95 that slows for absolutely no reason one can see (no accidents, not cops, nothing) and then suddenly speeds up, calls it a yeti sighting (i.e. someone saw a yeti in the woods on the side of the road and slowed down, causing a random slowdown).

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