Ning needs better PR

I understand that when individuals, artists or groups are setting up social networks for community-building purposes, it can take a while for the developer to move away from only choosing tools that they’re familiar with and that fall into their user-comfort zone. Eventually, if you’re serious about your efforts, you need to look at what you users will actually embrace and which tools actually reach the community you’re trying to build or serve.

It’s no secret I’m a big fan of Ning. It’s unfortunate to me how often lately I’ve heard nascent groups scoff at Ning when I’ve mentioned it, some saying it has no track record of success and is run by amateurs. I find this odd, since co-founder Marc Andreessen co-authored Mosaic and co-founded Netscape.

Ning just raised $50 million dollars, bringing their valuation up to $560 million dollars. Andreesen notes:

We raised the money to enable us to keep scaling given our accelerating growth (over 230,000 networks on Ning now, growing at over 1,000 per day) and to make sure we have plenty of firepower to survive the oncoming nuclear winter. At current growth rates, we don’t need it to get to cash flow positive, but having lived through the last crunch, it’s good to be conservative with these things.

The capriciousness of those valuation estimates aside, Ning seems to be engaged in rather sensible growth. And their product is quite good, to boot. It may not have myspace’s market-share or brand recognition, but it’s a really great tool for niche groups and it’s nice to see it thriving.

For a terrific example of what you can do with Ning, check out the High Sierra Music Festival site, which I tweeted about a month or so ago.

5 thoughts on “Ning needs better PR

  1. LisaN

    Great post……………Ning has made it possible for me to start a community based on my passion. Without the Ning tools, neither me, my site, or the wonderful community my member’s have created would exist.

    I love Ning…………….:)

  2. rebecca

    The blog365 community is built around Ning and it works really well. Lots of bands are using it, too, to interesting effect.

  3. Lynn

    In November you mentioned:
    “Ah ha! Gale Harold went to the same college I did and was on the soccer team, which I worked for.”
    I am doing some research on Gale, did you know him? What was he like in college? Was that in Washington DC or San Francisco? Any info would be helpful. Thank you.

  4. rebecca

    Washington, DC. I don’t remember much about him, mostly I have a weird memory for faces. The big star in those years was John Diffley,, and all I honestly remember about Gale was that he was very polite and never made any irritating demands to have his car washed or to have someone write his papers. (Neither did John Diffley – not to me, anyway – let’s not be starting rumors). Sorry that’s not anything juicy. I’ll have to ask some of my friends from then and see if they have any fun or amusing info for you. If anyone wants to dish, is there a good email to reach you? I don’t even want to know what you’re asking. Lalalala. I’m just passing along a message. ;-)

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