This adventure, the culmination of several weeks of mayhem and misadventure, involved a stepladder, a hammer, a defective picture hook, and, of course, the Mormons.

To make a long story short, the talisman that’s been hanging in the upstairs window wasn’t doing it’s job. Lacking an actual Chamsa, yesterday I decided to hang a talisman Sean gave me in our kitchen window. It was heavy. It was glass. (Actually, it’s still glass and, miraculously, unbroken). The hanger snapped and the object in question fell on my foot and other wackiness also ensued. I’m going to skip the details because the whole thing is funnier if I leave the details to your imagination.

The highlight of the story is that I remembered something about always hanging your evil-repelling talismans on a silver chain for added evil-repelling action so I fished out a decorative sterling chain from a family heirloom Christmas decoration. It was just the right length, but it looked like Run-DMC had stopped by and exorcised our kitchen.

Well, I thought it was funny, anyway.

(The Mormon part isn’t very entertaining. They were passing by and stopped stood on the sidewalk and yapped at me until I shut the window. I just liked the way it sounded in the title).