6 thoughts on “These are not your plants

  1. Miz Shoes

    because they were getting too much water? or because the owner was trying to kill them by not watering them? were they a science project? I have questions.

  2. rebecca

    My favorite part was that the plants were very healthy, and would have looked great except that they had post-it notes on their leaves! I did also like that someone had splattered water on the note. There was another note, that appeared to be in different hand-writing, but it was too faded to read clearly.

    The plant is on the way to the conference room in a national scientific organization in downtown DC. I have another meeting there next week and I’m looking forward to seeing if the post-it note war has escalated.

  3. Miz Shoes

    Upon closer review, this seems to be a diffenbachia, which is happiest with wet feet. You know it’s doing ok when there is a drop of water coming off the tips of the leaves. Maybe the water drops looked unhealthy to someone not familiar with tropicals?

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