"It is a privilege to be an actor…because you know you really are…of no help to anyone."

I’ll get the Tom Cruise thing out of my system eventually. Here’s another good parody, this one sent to me by JunglePete.

That may be enough Tom Cruise for a while.

Tuesday I’ll kick off a series about an entirely different subject. It’ll be exciting, you won’t want to miss it. Unless you’re still trying to repress memories of televised variety shows from the 70s, then you might want to miss it. Go sit in your happy place and we’ll call you when it’s safe to come out.

5 thoughts on “"It is a privilege to be an actor…because you know you really are…of no help to anyone."

  1. FKC

    I love that Jerry O’Connell. It’s a shame he’s stuck on that crappy Carpoolers show. Great video. Loved it. And I agree, please, keep up the Tom Cruise. It makes my problems seem so small.

    Did you see and/or DVR the original SciFi movie premiere of Blood Monkeys? I’m so ready for this.

  2. rebecca

    Didn’t see that scifi showed Blood Monkey. That one sadly is just bad. Not funny bad, just bad. I’m guessing it was the same one?

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