5 thoughts on “Gingerbread Pop-Tarts, Day 5

  1. Faith

    Excuse me. I was just trying to be helpful.

    Not only have I ended your search, but now you have to put up or shut up on the whole product testing issue. Maybe you can find someone to go halfies with you.

  2. rebecca

    Oh you were helpful all right :-)

    I’ve actually had offers to ship them to me from people who’ve seen them in California, Oregon and, I forget where the 3rd place was. If I don’t find them soon, one of these options will be exercised.

    I’m weirded out by buying food on ebay, but technically, is this food?

    I have no idea why I’m obsessed with these things, we almost never eat highly processed foods. It’s better than when I was obsessed with seeing the William Shatner Esperanto classic, Incubus. I really regretted that one.

  3. rebecca

    I have a feeling they aren’t going to resemble actual gingerbread in any way shape or form, so you’re probably ok, pete.

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