"We like it. It's so nice and gloooomy."

As a wee sprout, I wasn’t allowed to watch much television. [tag]The Addams Family[/tag], curiously enough, was always on the allowed list. (Both the TV show and the New Yorker cartoons). No wonder I was such a weird kid.

I think, because I basically had every episode of the Addams Family memorized before I ever became aware of the Munsters, I always viewed the [tag]Munsters[/tag] with tremendous disdain. Inferior copies. Bah.

In reality, they both began in 1964, the Addams Family on ABC and the Munsters on CBS. Even after I learned that, many years later, I still didn’t care. Still don’t, in fact. I loathe the Munsters.

I was watching the Addams Family recently and was struck anew by how incredibly beautiful [tag]Carolyn Jones[/tag] was. Damn.

2 thoughts on “"We like it. It's so nice and gloooomy."

  1. Faith

    I was always more of an Yvonne DeCarlo fan. I still can’t reconcile the Lily Munster thing with Moses’ wife in the Cecil B. DeMille classic. Maybe it’s the whole “De” thing.

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