Over at Wait wait, don’t blog me, Ian Chillag decided to experiment with the gin and mayo cocktail Tom Robbins mentioned on Wait wait, don’t tell me! this weekend.
There’s more to the post, including the backstory, but I just can’t resist a pull quote to highlight Ian’s conclusion:
I also want to point out, for people who don’t pay attention to these kinds of things, the tags for that post:
Tags: ian needs counseling, ian deserves a raise, bad ideas, mayonnaise, gin
Well now your tweet makes more sense. But I think Tom Robbins said he whirled it in a blender first.
Still – blerg.
The tweet and this post were actually unrelated – we were just trying to figure out what substance would approximate the greasy gloopy texture of that instant coffee after you added cream and this sprang to mind for me since I’d just blogged it. I have no intention of trying it :-)
Oh c’mon. Best Foods and Bombay!