Tag Archives: sarasota

Let's go to the videotape

You’re going to have to pardon me if I’m a bit off my game this week. I’ve decided to blame my high school graduation ceremony for this little disruption in brain function. Why? If you’ve been paying attention you know we went on a little vacation that included my 20th High School Reunion, which lasted for several days because many of us are apparently still over-achieving nerds and heaven forfend, we can’t do anything “normal.” Some, I would go so far to say, are super-geniuses. In actuality, not in the Wiley Coyote sense. (As an aside, I just learned from Wikipedia that our school was designated as one of Newsweek’s Top 21 Public Elite schools and 6th on U.S. News and World Report’s list of Gold Medal Schools. I’m too lazy to look into this information tonight, if it’s on wikipedia it must be true).

We went to happy hour. We had a cookout. We hung out on the beach. We had a lovely dinner with lots of lovely wine. We inadvertently started a rumor that one of our old classmates was obsessed with Princess Leia, rather than Princess Diana. We had a brunch at a classmate’s beautiful home. We all talked and talked and talked and talked while our long-suffering spouses calculated all of the ways that we were going to pay for putting them through this.

On the third day of the festivities, we watched our high school graduation video. All three hours of it. I’m reasonably certain my speech took up an entire hour. Geez. Even then, I never shut up. It was fun to watch the tape, and fun to see a couple dozen people I haven’t seen in years. Some of them, 20 years, in fact.

It was extra-fun to meet the wife of Junglepete, who we whole-heartedly approve of and completely adore. It was also extra-fun, and yet deeply disorienting, to see the classmates I’ve known since pre-school, who now have kids who look just like they did when back when we were in pre-school.

I have no dirt to dish or snark to share. There were no kerfluffles to report on. Not that I would, even if there had been, because, remember, many of these folks are super-geniuses and I bet they’re all pretty Internet-savvy. Hell, one of them contributed to the development of Second Life. (And we danced our first slow-dance together, which I believe makes me a super-genius by sweaty-palmed seventh grade association).

We were so busy that Husband and I didn’t care all that much that we were living in an aquarium for 5 days.

Yesterday I got an email that the next reunion is in…4 months. Like I said, over-achieving super-geniuses.