Tag Archives: worklife

the perils of office fish

We used to have an office fish. His name was Fluffy. We had him for about 5 years. Sometimes, Fluffy had a white spot on his head. Other times it was on a fin. Other times he had no spot at all. You see, Fluffy was a magical fish.

Or, it’s possible that sometimes Fluffy went kaput and was secretly replaced by whoever had weekend fish-care duty. When we finally got tired of keeping up the facade, a coworker who we thought was smarter than that got very upset when he learned that the fish we were burying was actually Fluffy the 7th.

This is why we don’t have an office fish anymore.

spicy suction cups

My coworker gave me today’s goal: work the phrase “spicy suction cups” into as many conversations today as possible, as naturally as possible. Didn’t work. I had a perfect opportunity, but when I opened my mouth I found myself speaking only in Blondie lyrics. Then I couldn’t stop doing it. Clearly, it’s Monday.

Incidentally, I continue to believe that “Rapture” is one of the dumbest songs of all time.

Fade away and radiate, y’all.

narrow escape

Narrow lunch-time escape: a colleague with 6 ROLLS of grandchild pictures. Thankfully, I needed to cut lunch short to get to a meeting and got away with just viewing one roll. 36 shots of the child sleeping. The same child sleeping. 36 shots of the same child sleeping in the same place, just in 36 slightly different positions.