Tag Archives: movies

speaking of awesomely bad-sounding movies…

Has anyone seen The Spirit? We were actually looking that one up yesterday when we were waylaid by the badness of Seven Pounds. The Rotten Tomatoes pull-quotes are no doubt a thousand times more entertaining than the actual movie.

It’s not just that it’s obvious from the train wreck onscreen that Miller hasn’t ever truly directed a movie before; it’s hard to tell if he’s ever even seen a movie before.


The Spirit is a loony, embarrassing mess that takes the late Will Eisner’s classic comics creation and beats it senseless with a giant toilet bowl (literally, at one point).


Lurid, rambling nonsense.


A disaster in nearly every way. Samuel L. Jackson seems to be channeling Grace Jones by way of Uncle Remus from Song of the South.

This movie appears to be so ungodly awful that even the trailer is a confusing and befuddled mess:

OK, possible spoiler warning for Seven Pounds, click at your own risk:
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Seven Pounds (spoilers)

I haven’t seen the movie Seven Pounds and I have no desire to, but I’ve found some of the reviews hilarious and entertaining.

Manages the not inconsiderable feat of being both painfully predictable and preposterous to the point of being demented.

Husband and I also read a bunch of spoilers for the movie because they were much more entertaining sounding than the movie itself, and probably have more artistic flair. Remember – I don’t have any idea if this is in any way true, but just in case I’m going to tuck the spoilers away as a matter of form.
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Day the Earth Stood Still

We went on a date recently and we actually went to the movies – we saw The Day the Earth Stood Still at the local IMAX theater. We watched the original first because, well, we’re geeks. Keanu Reeves acquitted himself nicely as the completely expressionless Klaatu, and the pacing was much better, and GORT the robot was seriously creepy, but it lacked all the nice DC scenery that gave the first one so much of it’s charm (for us).

The real geek-fest was the previews – warning – these websites all launch annoying sound effects when you click the links so you may want to turn your speakers offThe Watchmen (which author Alan Moore is, predictably, upset about), Star Trek, and Monsters Vs Aliens, which looks really cute. I also choose to take it as further evidence of the dinosaur-human hybrid super-soldier project in the basement of the Pentagon.

To be fair to Moore, Hollywood hasn’t done a particularly good job of translating his work to the screen (see also: League of Extraordinary Gentleman and V for Vendetta). Plus, the guy probably gets more press as the disgruntled and disenfranchised creator than he would if he was gung-ho about the adaptations.