Category Archives: true life 2004


Today I saw my first cicada from Brood X. And I realized that my brother and I – being rather poor as children and lacking things like television to keep us entertained – used to love collecting their shells into huge jars. We were also morbid little beasts – as befits the children of a homicide investigator, I suppose.

I’m looking forward to recording the cicada symphanies. I like bugs. I hate snakes, but I like bugs. I don’t really like them in my hair, though, and so I may need a new floppy hat for cicada season.


It was a good day to stay in bed and reread the book that followed the PBS show Affluenza. John de Graaf, one of the writers and producers, was nice enough to send me an autographed copy when it was first published, but I think I appreciate it more now since I’m not working.

Nevertheless, I have my moments of materialism. And so, in that vein, today I mourn the passing of Estee Lauder like the good MAC addict that I am.

oprah loves me this I know, for her magazine tells me so

I have very little patience for new agey self-help books but several people who’ve called me after a long silence have cited one in particular for helping them figure out what to say when they do call.

I find “hi. what’s new?” useful, but realize it’s more complicated for my friends who don’t quite know how to deal with me and my illness. Hint: deal with me, not the illness, it’s way more fun that way. That’s apparently also pretty much the upshot of The Etiquette of Illness : What to Say When You Can’t Find the Words.

To keep me entertained, a neighbor brought me the last few issues of O and there was an article by the author of Etiquette of Illness, Susan Halpern. Must be a sign of some kind.

Oprah, incidentally, has shown me how to be Excellent Every Day.

In a further coincidence, Halpern is reading and signing her book at Olsson’s on May 6th.

To conclude this random post with further randomness, have I ever mentioned that only 3 people in the history of my workplace have ever held my position? I mention this because 2 of these people are me and the ever-fabulous Linkmeister’s mom.

The whole world is connected in strange and random ways.

Oprah tells me so.

i meet the most interesting people

…and usually I can prevent them from finding out where I live. Heh.

Today at the gym I learned what it’s like to be on a submarine that is on fire. I also learned about what it was like on board the destroyer the U.S.S. Cole when it was bombed. The geezers were in a maudlin mood today.

Ah, perspective.